Tami x Portuma - A Success Story in
In-Game Advertising

Portuma and Garanti BBVA’s new electronic money institution, Tami, have joined forces for an innovative in-game advertising campaign.

The collaboration between Tami and Portuma developed an effective marketing strategy by offering innovative solutions in in-game advertising. Aligned with Tami's goal of reaching a young audience, the integration of ads without disrupting the gaming experience, and the use of the audio ad model, applied for the first time in Turkey, made the campaign both groundbreaking and attention-grabbing. Portuma, pioneering the integration of audio ads in a non-intrusive, innovative way, pushed the boundaries of digital advertising by delivering a first in this field.

This strategy, implemented together with Tami, introduced a fresh, innovative approach to in-game advertising from Turkey and transformed how brands connect with younger audiences. This innovative, results-driven campaign is a perfect example of excellence in terms of performance, engagement, and measurability in digital advertising.

During the 15-day campaign, Tami's ads were seamlessly integrated into the games' natural flow and shown to players without disrupting the gaming experience.

500+ Games

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Additionally, Tami introduced audio ads in the game for the first time in Turkey, using Portuma’s groundbreaking audio ad model.

A competition was held among those who downloaded and played the games integrated with Portuma. The goal of the competition was to increase awareness of Tami and encourage the younger audience to apply for the Tami card. The top 10 players who played the most won exclusive prizes from Tami. To participate in the competition, applying for the Tami card was mandatory, with the goal being to boost card applications.

Tami Yarışma

328K Ad Impressions

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120K Audio Ads

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80K+ News Visit

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20K+ Gamer Mailings

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100K+ Push

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57% Increase in Tami



  PHONE: +90 (212) 212 12 42

  EMAIL: [email protected]

  FOR GAMERS: [email protected]

  HQ SKYLAND ISTANBUL: Huzur Mh. Azerbaycan Cad. B Blok Kat:10 Ofis: 157-160 Sarıyer / İstanbul

  USA OFFICE: Portuma Technology Software INC 30 N Gould ST STE 4000 Sheridan WY 82801